When to Schedule Maintenance for Your Farm Equipment

Farm equipment requires proper maintenance to function efficiently and to provide service for a long time. Also, proper maintenance saves you from delays and expensive repairs. Additionally, it ensures that the machine operators and other people on the farm are safe from injuries. Are you wondering, "What is a good time to do maintenance on farm equipment?" We have a guide to help you. 

Equipment Cleaning 

Cleaning farm equipment is one of the easiest yet very important parts of maintenance. Ensure your machine is free from dust, dirt and mud, even if it means cleaning it daily. Doing so makes it easy to spot problems such as oil leaks, rusting, wear and tear. You should also make sure that the interior of your equipment is clean, vacuuming and removing buildup from time to time. 

Lubricating the Machine

Moving parts of farm equipment should be regularly lubricated to reduce friction and extend the life expectancy of a machine. Ensure you use a high-quality lubricant to avoid damaging the moving parts. Before adding new lubricant, clean the machine and clear it of any buildup. You can also check the condition of the moving parts of the machines to check whether they need lubrication. Additionally, you can watch out for signs like unnecessary sounds produced by a machine when it’s moving, which can signify a need for lubrication.

Oil Testing and Analyses

One of the most crucial things that should be included in routine maintenance is regular oil testing. By doing so, you can detect failures before they turn into a big problem that can cost you a lot of money to fix. 

It’s also crucial to conduct regular oil analyses. By doing so, you can easily pinpoint problems and act before they worsen. 

How do you know when you are supposed to maintain your farm equipment? This depends on several factors, such as the type of the machine, its frequency of usage, and manufacturer specifications. On top of the routine maintenance practices discussed above, you should also watch for signs that your equipment needs maintenance. Some of the things you can look out for include strange sounds from the equipment. Weird sounds could signal problems with steering, hydraulic systems and combustion problems. If your equipment starts producing strange sounds, such as screeching, hissing or grinding, it might be time to do some maintenance. 

Additionally, if the equipment starts vibrating, overheating or any other abnormal thing, that could signal a problem that can be fixed by doing maintenance. 

Also, you should always let the equipment manual guide you. Doing so ensures that the equipment is in good condition and can help you in case you experience issues with the machine and you need to request a warranty repair or replacement.

Properly maintaining your farm equipment is crucial, as it helps them work efficiently and reduce instances of breakdown. That ensures production is not stalled and also saves you from repair costs. If you are wondering, "When should maintenance be scheduled for farm equipment?" do the above to keep your equipment in good shape.

Repair and Maintenance Tips for Your Farm Equipment

Farm equipment needs to be properly maintained to get the most life out of it. If you fail to keep up with the latest farm equipment repair tips, then you might not know what needs to be done when things get a little off course with your equipment. Here at Bailey Heavy Equipment Repair Inc., we are all about showing people how to best take care of their equipment and what they might want to do to avoid running into some of the worst repair situations possible. The more you take care of your equipment ahead of time, the less likely you will need major repairs down the line. 

Farm Equipment Repair and Maintenance Tips

Let’s talk about a few tips for how to repair and maintain your farm equipment so it doesn’t cause you any repair problems going forward. We believe that we have the best tips and advice for those who need a little help getting their farm equipment taken care of just the way that they need it, and we are happy to help anyone and everyone who feels that they could use the hand. 

Spark Plugs

One piece of equipment that you can spend a little extra time with maintenance is the spark plugs for your farm equipment. You should remove the plugs from the equipment and keep them clean. You should check on this regularly to ensure there is no dirt and grime build-up on the equipment, and that it is functioning properly. 

Replace the Batteries

Another thing that you can do to keep your equipment running as it is designed is to replace the batteries when they show signs of needing it. It is quite common for people to forget about the need to change out the batteries on their equipment regularly, and it is entirely possible that they will not take as much care as they should when it comes to replacing the batteries before the farming season begins. If you take care of it ahead of time, you won’t have to worry about the batteries giving out right when you need them. 

Check on the Carburetor

Carburetors are a major part of any gas-operated farm equipment, and it is a good idea to peek under the hood of your equipment from time to time to check on how the carburetor is doing. You don’t want to simply assume that it will run just fine if that is not actually the case. You should make sure that you have a professional look at it if you have any concerns about its operational capacity. You do NOT want to assume that things are okay with it only to find out that this is not the case. Too many people have put themselves in that position before, and the results are disastrous. Do not do this or you will end up regretting that you did not take the carburetor issues more seriously before. 


Why Routine Maintenance Is Important for Your Farm Implements

Farm equipment is a very pricey investment, and keeping it looking and working well is a must. When it comes to caring for your equipment, you may find yourself asking, “Is routine maintenance necessary for your farm implements,” and the answer is yes.

Why Is Routine Maintenance Important for Your Farm Implements?

Taking the time to have your farm equipment serviced and cared for on a routine basis is a must for a few reasons. Most farming equipment has an engine or a motor that requires that oil be changed and other elements that should be tended to. Making certain that the engines of your farm equipment are well cared for above all else is a must. Engines are one of the most expensive repairs for any piece of farm equipment. Routine maintenance helps catch small problems before they become larger ones.

As parts become broken or damaged, they should be repaired and replaced so that the piece of machinery can keep working properly — just like caring for your car helps keep it working well and ensures you get the most use out of it possible.

Taking the time to have routine maintenance done can help reduce the need for major repairs, prevent the need to replace entire pieces of machinery, and more. It is always best to protect your investment in any piece of machinery.

How Often Should You Service Your Farm Implements?

When it comes to a schedule for services, you should follow the recommendation of the manufacturer as it is going to be the most accurate and the most to date with when things need to be looked at. You should also take the time to really consider how the item is working for you and how it is behaving.

If you find that you are using your implement and there is some issue, it is always best to get the problem taken care of before it becomes a major issue than it is to wait and see if it resolves itself. Handling problems as they occur can help you greatly in terms of making sure that your implement is going to work and keep working well.

By making sure you check on your implements often, taking the time to get items repaired as they are damaged, and maintaining your implements, you can extend their life and usefulness and ensure that they are going to last.

Common Issues You’ll See with Utility Vehicles

Even though they’re bigger, utility vehicles like tow trucks, snowplows or any vehicle used for heavy hauling are designed to handle extreme loads and work in adverse conditions. However, they’re still susceptible to a variety of problems. Keep reading to learn the top issues that come with utility vehicles and how they can be avoided:

How can these issues be avoided?

Thankfully, you can typically avoid the most common problems with utility vehicles. Follow these tips to keep every truck in your fleet in tip-top shape:

Whether you’ve experienced any of the top issues that come with utility vehicles firsthand or you’d like to avoid them altogether, talk to the experts at Bailey Heavy Equipment Repair, Inc. We offer mobile utility vehicle repair within a 200-mile radius, and we’re available 24/7 to make emergency repairs.

Tips for Repairing a Hydraulic Cylinder

Hydraulic systems are made of a variety of components. These include valves, filters, pumps and cylinders. Of these parts, the cylinders are one of the least complicated. Still, it requires specific knowledge to repair these components. Here’s what to do to repair a hydraulic cylinder.

How to repair a hydraulic cylinder

If you need to repair a hydraulic cylinder, use the following process. For assistance, don’t hesitate to contact your local hydraulic experts:

Tips for how to repair a hydraulic cylinder

As you complete the steps above, use the following tips. These will make the process go more smoothly and deliver optimal results:

Why you might need to repair a hydraulic cylinder

Hydraulic cylinders may need repairs for one or more reasons. One of the most common reasons is damage of seals. This can occur due to corrosion, incorrect fitting or improper metalwork clearance. Fluid contamination is another potential reason for repair. Exposure to extreme temperatures can also cause failure and require repair.

Get expert repairs

For quality hydraulic cylinder repairs, contact the team at Bailey Heavy Equipment Repair, Inc. We have been serving customers throughout the area with top repairs since 1984. Call us today at 541-989-8505 with any questions or to schedule your on-site repair.