ANSI Inspections in Lexington, ORĀ
When your reliable and normally effective heavy equipment stops working or doesn’t work properly, let the Lexington, OR professionals at Bailey Heavy Equipment Repair, Inc. handle your maintenance, repairs, and more. From ANSI inspections to the dielectric testing businesses are required to perform, along with service and repairs, you can depend on us.
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If you operate heavy equipment and use machines like bucket trucks and aerial lifts, then we can help. Welcome to Bailey Heavy Equipment Repair, Inc., where we inspect all of your heavy equipment concerns and offer heavy truck repair and mobile repair services for those who need it. For expert and professional help with your farm equipment, utility equipment, trucks, cylinders, or lifts, contact us today.
Dielectric Testing and Other Inspection Services
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2022 Dielectric Testing and Annual ANSI Inspection Price Guide
The following rates are for ANSI Aerial Inspection (per ANSI standard 92.2):
- 40 ft boom & below $450.00 per unit inspected
- 75 ft boom & below $550.00 per unit inspected
- 76 ft boom & above $650.00 per unit inspected
The following rates pertain to ANSI Digger Derrick Inspection (per ANSI standard A10.31):
- Small (4000 series) $450.00 per unit inspected
- Medium (5000 series) $550.00 per unit inspected
- Large (6000 series and up) $650.00 per unit inspected
Dielectric Tests
- $250.00 per unit tested
- Bailey Heavy Equipment Repair, Inc. Repair & Welding Service Rates
- The rates below cover our professional welding services and any additional travel expenses that might be required.
- BHER Shop Repair Rate $140.00 per hour
- Field Service Repair Rate $160.00 per hour
- Field Service travel Rate $185.00 per hour
- Lowboy Transport Rate $170.00 per hour
- Line Bore Services $140.00 shop/ $160 field

The travel charge will be divided equally among customers visited on the same day.
Additionally, all work we perform before, during, or after inspection that is not part of ANSI Inspection is billed at the appropriate service rate. That rate is added to the appropriate inspection rate. Other work falling outside of ANSI inspection requirements may include filter changes, bolt torque checks, hose replacement, and more.